miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2023


 We start this 9th edition of BILITRAMS with renewed energy and lots of projects for this new school year! 

We met for the first time this year on the 22nd of November, in CEIP Los Morales, where we celebrated our now traditional Thanksgiving tea in honour of our American language assistants (five of them attended the meeting). This edition also puts them at the centre of our learning process, as we are going to establish a protocol to receive them at school, issue them initial training, and have a material and resources repository they all can share.

We also decided to carry out a Carnival parade in February next year with classes from the five schools in the Romeral-Teatinos neighbourhood.

These are going to be very exciting experiences for us teachers, our students and our schools' communities in general.

Here you have some photos of the meeting. We are bigger than ever! Hurray for BILITRAMS!